Whether you’re doing some kayak fishing or just hitting the river, your first kayak trip is as special as it is important. You should take along everything you need to have a great time. The better prepared you are the more fun you are likely to have. Safety is always the highest priority on any list. So, be sure to include all the safety equipment and supplies you feel you will need.
Here is a list of items you should pack. You want your first trip to be memorable, and safe.
Safe and Comfortable Clothing
Taking along the right clothing is important. You never know what type of weather you will encounter, or what types of insects are swarming around. You want to have clothes that protects you from the sun and dries quickly. In the winter time, you want to put on at least 2 or 3 layers of clothing. As the weather warms up, you can also peel off what you do not need. Lightweight clothing such as long sleeve shirts and pants made from cotton is suitable for warm and cool temperatures.
Travel Bag
You need a bag that is water resistant and strong enough to carry your food, clothing and kayak supplies. In the event that your kayak capsize you want to make sure that your clothing, and your lunch is not lost at sea. Be sure your bag has secure fasteners or draw strings.
Quality Spray Skirt
Choose from spray skirt to take along on your trip. There are normally two sizes, but the tunnel size is probably your best option. The size of your spray skirt is decided by your waist size. The skirt should be tight, but not tight enough to prevent you from breathing. The larger size spray skirt is for the cockpit opening. You should get your kayak fitted for a spray skirt if it is your personal kayak.
A Strong Line
You do not want your kayak to drift away, during heavy winds or waves. You need to be a long strong line, that is difficult to break. If you plan on taking a break, you will want to pull your kayak over to shallow parts of the water.
Do Not Forget Your Lunch
Do not forget to pack a hearty lunch. After hours of paddling, you will most definitely work up a appetite. Pack a few sandwiches, some fruits and plenty of water. Be sure to carry it all in a backpack or a waterproof lunch box. If the weather is hot, try packing a few salty foods. Sweating can dehydrate the body, and having some source of salt can replenish the salt your body lose.
Your kayaking trip should be the most enjoyable trip of your life. Be sure to pack everything you think you will need. Preparation is the key to a success trip. Be sure to pick the right size paddles, that are easy for you to use. Listen to the weather station before taking off, and follow any safety precautions.
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